
Welcome to Year 3 / 歡迎來到三年級

開學後的第一個星期,有天,小小熊很興奮地從書包拿出一個信封,信封上署名著小小熊的名字,左下角還有個SUPER的標誌!! 我心想,這學校老師也太懂小孩,正值愛超級英雄年紀的小小熊,對於能夠收到超級SUPER信函的任務,一定會全力以赴地完成任務。


打開信封,裹面有張信紙,還有幾個小禮物,包括一個小拼圖、寫著「LÆRING ER KULT」的手環、印著「SUPER」的橡皮擦和一個中間有顆星星的反光板。



Congratulations! You have started your journey into Year 3. We will be your teachers. We are so happy to have YOU in our class. Together, we will find many new, fun and exciting things. With this letter, three are some small presents for you:



1. A puzzle piece. This is for sharing that you are an important part or our SUPER class. It shows that we are all different, but that we all do fit together anyways. This puzzle piece is here to show that we are all necessary for our class to work, no matter how you are feeling - there is always a special space just for you!



2. A bracelet. This says LÆRING ER KULT, which means ‘Learning is cool’. You get this because we want to show you how cool it is to know lots of different things. We are looking forward to learning new and different things from you too!

一條手環。手環上寫著挪威話「LÆRING ER KULT」,意思是“學習很酷”。這條手環可以提醒你學習到很多不同的事情是多麼地酷。老師們也期待著從你身上學習到新的和不同的東西!


3. An eraser. The eraser is because every one makes mistakes. Mistakes are when we learn and grow. If you already knew everything, then you wouldn’t need to come to school.



4. A reflector. Finally, we are sending you a reflector. This is because we want to see you and do our best to help you light up. There is a star on the reflector. This represents YOU! To us, you are a star that will grow and light up our class every day.






